Thursday, May 23, 2019

Baronial Events in 2014: When I Was The Chatelaine

In that year, there were four Baronial Events; Spring Schola: Russian Exchange Ducklings on  3/29/14,  Potted Arms VIII in the Canton of Hawkes Reache on  7/12/14, Arrows & Ales in the Mead Hall on 9/20/14 and St Andrew at the Highland Games  on 11/15/14. We also Hosted a Royal Progress, and had The Challenge II in Neighboring Ostgardr. 
I did things during all of these as Chatelaine.  I usually sat Troll, because that's a really good way to get the newcomers on their way in.  You can help them garb up from Gold Key, introduce them to someone who does what they are interested in, and really be helpful in welcoming them to the whole experience.

A piece of background info, for those who don't know... The SCA literally started as a Kick-Ass birthday party in a Science Fiction/Fantasy writer's backyard in May of 1966.  Later on, when they figured out that this thing was bigger than they thought, they decided that we could count years in "the Modern Middle Ages" by having a calendar that started with that party.  For ease of calculation New Years Day is May 1st.  Many of our documents are dated to Anno Societas  or "in the Year of our Society".  At this writing, it has recently turned to AS LIV or 54.  We frequently Number Events as well... This year will be Pennsic 48, (obv. we didn't have that war in the earliest years of the Society.)  In my 1st paragraph above I talked about Potted Arms VIII (obv. the 8th time holding that event.)

It is Eastern Custom that any given Barony should hold a number of events each year to keep their standing as "Active" within the Kingdom.  Similarly, Cantons should hold one event per year.  I do not know how other Baronies with Cantons handle this, but here in Ducky Land Potted Arms is the annual Canton Event.  It is held at a site within the Canton, and Staffed (mostly) by people who live within the Canton. More about that event later.

Our first event in the calendar year (in opposition to Society Year) is Spring Schola. I already posted about that one , so see THIS.

The Challenge II  was in early June. Since an Dubhaigeainn had hosted the 1st one, Ostgardr was on the hook for the 2nd.  It was held at a Church in Plainview, which is just over the border between Nassau and Suffolk Counties, so literally just into Ostgardr.

This is the second annual test between the Crown Province of Ostgardr and the Barony of An Dubhaigeainn.
On this day the champions and the populace of each group will test their skills in all martial activities: heavy weapons, fencing, archery and thrown weapons; as well as Arts and Sciences competition, Bardic and Brewing competitions.

Since we were not the hosts of this Event, I was not really running things. That being said, I fully agree with the sentiment that Everyone is a Chatelaine.  
I  remember an elderly man driving by the front lawn of the church. He stopped to ask who these "people in funny clothes" were.  So I told him.  It was an interesting encounter. I believe he was lonely, and really wanted someone to chat with him, while he was sitting in his car.  I offered a couple of times to show him where he could park, so he could get out and join us, but he didn't want to. 

The end result of the Event was that the Scores were Tied, and everyone had fun.

In June we hosted the East Kingdom Championship Tourney for Rattan Combat. See THIS

After that was Potted Arms VIII...

Spring flowers into summer. Their Excellencies, Baron David Vázquez de Valençia and Baroness Mistress Suzanne Neüber de Londres, set out across the lands of An Dubhaigeainn to collect tithes on their way to the Pennsic War.
The Canton of Hawkes Reache welcomes them with a Summer Faire, replete with two fencing Tournaments, including a Pas D'Arms Tournament to select the new Baronial fencing champion; the Baronial Thrown Weapons championship; an Archery practice with Royal Rounds, Heavy Weapons if a marshal is available and many other games and activities for all. Merchants are most welcome to help the populace get into fine shopping form for Pennsic. The Canton invites you to bring your chairs, blankets and shade to take respite upon the lawns, participate in the wide variety of activities, and visit with old and new friends. There will be a hearty day-board served throughout the event. No feast will be served, yet fear not! None shall leave hungry, as the table has groaned under the bounty of our day-board these past seven years!

This is the Event at which two of our Martial Champions are Selected, namely Fencing, and Thrown Weapons. As usual, it is the responsibility of the Outgoing Champ to organize the Tournament to find their replacement... This particular year my Lord Husband, Ronan FitzRobert, managed to be both the Fencing Champ and the TW Champ. He was a very busy boy, having to create and then subsequently run both main attractions on this day.

In September, we had our other Championship Tourney during Arrows & Ales in the Mead Hall 

Come one come all the Meade hall beckons the year has been good another Pennsic War has come and gone our warriors have fought honorably, our archers have honed their skill, and now lets come together to celebrate as the Vikings did with food, arms, and most of all drink.  Warriors come and test your skill at arms in the shield honor battle.  Those who enjoy thrown weapons come and test you ability at tossing the spear and ax.  Light blade enthusiasts come and test your mettle in a Meade hall brawl.  And last but not least come and see if your skill with the bow can match the skill shown by last years champion and become An Dubhaigeainn's Archery Champion for the coming year.  Brewers come and show what you past years creations have wrought.  Lastly what would a Meade hall celebration be with out having Skalds to entertain us so all bards come and shower us in your song, poems or tales.

This time, Ronan was the Feastocrat. It was a Viking Style menu taken from a book called "An Early Meal"
See here for details.  I remember being his taste tester, and falling in love with turnips. 

I actually don't have many memories of what I was doing at these 2 Events. Nothing stood out to me as a memorable activity.  By this time I was well used to my duties and activities as Chatelaine, and took them in stride.  I remember them both being a fun day, with good interactions, and being proud of my Husband for the wonderful job he did.

The last Event of the year is our Anniversary Celebration; Saint Andrew does Something,which is the theme, and changes every year.  During the Coronets' reign, it's just a party (and the Baronial Rattan Championship Tourney.) When the Coronets are changing, it's also Investiture, a Royal Progress.  In 2014, it was just a party and Tourney.  

St Andrew has decided to visit home this year with a visit to Scotland. The event is Scottish theme with food and events aligned accordingly. There will be heavy weapons,archery and fencing along with traditional caber toss and other events. There will also be a Best Lord in Kilt and Best lady in Tartan competition.

At this event I also acted as Substitute Minister of Lists.  I was running the Tourney.  The Outgoing Champ had come up with the format and such, but I was running the "tree" and determining which two fighters were next in line.  

I remember there being a lot of newcomers at this event.  I had my hands full early in the day getting everyone outfitted and securing loaner Feast Gear for them all.  We had enough supplies, but there was a bit of work involved.  Some had contacted me ahead of time so I had their loaner garb all ready for them.  Others didn't and I had to find something appropriate in the enormous bins full of stuff that we had at the time.  I tried to make it fun, like playing Dress-Up.   Then I had to run out to the List to MoL.  It was chilly.

The first office I held was MoL, it is a mandatory office for a Barony, and it's very easy as there is only 1 report per year.  But at this time I was Chatelaine, so I was only a Sub for the MoL.  I had fun running the Tourney, but re-affirmed that that office and I are not really suited to each other.